Asphalt Repair and Sealing
in Tiffin, Ohio
Clean-Line Blacktop Offers Quality Asphalt Repair and Maintenance
Count on Clean-Line Blacktop Sealing & Striping Co. for asphalt repair and sealing in Tiffin, Ohio. Blacktop surfaces have a lifespan much like everything else. The amount of driving, recreational use, inclement weather, and additional activities can really take a toll. We guarantee that we will complete your asphalt repair and sealing the right way the first time. Our team treats alligator, block, and linear cracking. We also take care of slippage cracks, potholes, depressions, rutting, and raveling, among others. Stay ahead of your blacktop repair needs, and save yourself money, too. Call us today at (419) 422-9093 for a thorough review of your blacktop needs and a free estimate.
Keeping Your Blacktop Surfaces in Tip-Top Shape in Tiffin, Ohio
Are you dealing with cracks in your driveway in Tiffin, Ohio? Have you worked out on a blacktop surface recently and suffered an injury? That may be a sign of greater trouble in your future than injuries. It is why you need regular asphalt repair and maintenance for your property. Keeping ahead of these issues could save you from more costly problems in the future. That includes everything from people to vehicles in the Tiffin, Ohio, area.
Keeping Tiffin, Ohio, Blacktop Surfaces Looking as Smooth as Ever
Have you seen breaks in your blacktop surfaces recently in Tiffin, Ohio? Do you have problems with the drainage on your grounds? Are potholes and discoloration ruining your curb appeal? Those are some signs that you need blacktop sealing. Our skilled workers offer the best quality work at the best price in the Tiffin, Ohio, area. No one wants their blacktop surfaces falling apart at any time. The superb look, feel, and safety of those surfaces can give everyone peace of mind. We use the best quality products so that your blacktop can look like new again.
Using Quality Products for Tiffin, Ohio’s Blacktop Repairs and Sealing
Gator-Patch is an exceptional, ready-to-use blend of asphalt emulsion, mineral fillers, glass fiber, ground rubber, and plasticizer. This will improve the strength of parking lots, driveways, playgrounds, walkways, running tracks, tennis courts, and more. It is excellent for alligator cracked areas, too. It can also be used to fill shallow depressions or to fill cracks more than ½-inch wide on asphalt surfaces. This superior option will keep your blacktop surface looking as good as new. Contact us today when you want to learn more about our superior products and services.